Hair Color is a full range of colors that meets the professional needs of the hairdresser and its customers by providing natural, bright colors with excellent coverage of white hair with the utmost respect of skin and hair. The beeswax contained in the formula, it is highly efficient for an emollient action during the coloring step, thus making the treatment more delicate and less aggressive.
How to use: Select the Struttura emulsifying oxigen based on the results that you wish to obtain; 10 volumes to color hair that’s already been dyed; 20 volumes to color on the same tone, to cover white hair and lighten the hair by 1 tone; 30 volumes to lighten by 2/3 tones, 40 volumes to lighten by 3/4 tones.
Mix the choosen oxigen with the coloring dye (1:1,5 ratio) and mix until you get a firm cream, then proceed with the application while respecting the waiting times written on the box.
Nourishing cream treatment formulation, colouring development. Assure colour stability protecting hair. It contains hydrogen peroxide.
How to use: add the quantity required for the colouring or for the bleaching. Mix the preparation until it forms a soft and homogeneous cream.
White bleaching, in a pratical 30 gr sachet, ideal for medium and strong bleaching and for making streaks, shatush and light strokes.
How to use: Pout the contents of one sachet into a basin and add 60 ml of stabilized hydrogen peroxide. Mix well to form a smooth paste. Use 20 vol. stabilized hydrogen peroxide for medium bleaching, 30 or 40 vol., for streaks. The time the product needs to be left to act varies according to the desired intensity of bleaching and to the base of the hair to be treated, from 20 min. to 1 hour.
Effective bleaching dyeing. It ensures optimal results. Not swollen
How to use: Put in a no metallic bowl one or more measures of powder bleach, add the same quantity of struttura oxigen and stir carefully to obtain a thick and even cream. Apply the so obtained mixture, leave to rest until the wanted bleaching is achieved, then rinse carefully and lightly shampoo.
For the fast bleaching or streaking: use one measure of powder bleach + 1,7 oz of struttura oxigen.
The action of our neutralizer is of the most importance for fixation of cold perms. The permanent hair will remain able satisfactorily glossy, undamaged, resistant and elastic, as they were before the application.
How to use: the neutralizer should be applied twice and left on, from 8 to 10 minutes.
COLD PERM (500 ml)
0-natural difficult hair
1-natural normal hair
2-dyed or sensitized hair
This perm is formulated to give you natural looking wavy hair while safeguarding the equilibrium of the cutis and hair, so that yours curls remain elastic and silky.
How to use: after you have wrapped your hair around the curlers, apply the saturation liquid on catch lock and leave on for 5 to 20 minutes based upon the hair type, rinse thoroughly and apply the neutralizer witch shall be left on for about 10 minutes. Rinse well before shampooing, then rinse again and dry.